
Tandem is the culmination of research work conducted over the past 20 years under the leadership of Professor Sophia Jowett at Loughborough University. 

The British Psychological Society

Dr Sophia Jowett

Sophia has developed a world-leading research programme in interpersonal relationships and the sustained excellence of this work is evidenced through numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, conference presentations and book chapters. In May 2012, the Journal of Coaching Education published an article entitled “Mapping the world of coaching science: A citation network analysis” and ranked sports coaching research work that she has led as 2nd in the world and 1st in Europe. She is an Associate Fellow and Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society.

The main psychometric tools contained within Tandem are the only empirically validated tools available to assess the quality of the coach-athlete relationship and supply feedback about what coaches and athletes can do to optimise their relationship's effectiveness and success. Research has shown that coaches and athletes who are close, committed and complementary are more likely to be happy, satisfied, successful, confident, competent and motivated than coaches and athletes who are not close, committed and complementary in the ways they relate, interact and communicate. Coaches and athletes who have the capacity through their good quality relationships to create an interpersonal environment that is positive and constructive are more likely to thrive.

If you would like to keep up to date with this line of research, then click here:

And if you'd like to know a little more about Sophia's work and life, click here "Legends of Sport Psychology" by Prof Gordon Bloom at McGill University

With a wealth of sustained empirical research, the value of tandem is continuously acknowledged by professionals and clients alike in areas such as these:

  •  Individual (one-to-one) and group development seminars
  •  Relationship and Communication workshops
  •  Individual and dyadic counselling
  •  Performance enhancement
  •  Team building and development
  •  Management development
  •  Career development